Frangipani sketch

Welcome to JustSketchNow!

Why sketch?

In my view, sketching is not about producing a great piece of art, or about judging talent.

Sketching offers a creative way of preserving memories and sharing our unique interpretations of the world around us.

A sketching practice gives busy minds a chance to zone out, while we learn to see the world in a completely different way. It enriches, enlightens and offers a calming break from our daily lives.

We would love to welcome you into our growing community of like-minded sketchers where a positive and collaborative environment is sure to reduce stress levels and boost self-confidence.

My role is to teach you some techniques, tips and tricks that I have learnt and developed that will provide all the basics for sketching in ink and watercolour, allowing you to then to explore your personal style. Let me help you to unlock your own creativity.

No talent or artistic ability required. Beginners welcome!

“Art is the stored honey of the human soul.” 

Theodore Dreiser

Cosy corner sketch
Italy travel sketch